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Posted: 11th August 2021

University seeking your help

If you are the parent of a child or young person (aged 5 to 15 years) with moderate to severe learning disabilities, who has a specific phobia and you live in the UK, then you are invited to complete an online survey by the University of Warwick. 

Specific phobia is an extreme fear of a specific object, animal or situation which is so overwhelming that it interferes with everyday life. For instance, somebody with a needle phobia might be too frightened to have a routine blood test or vaccination and become extremely anxious or distressed in the presence (or sometimes even mention) of a needle. Some other examples include phobia of dogs, heights, small spaces and the dentist. The University of Warwick want to find out what treatments are routinely offered to children and young people with moderate to severe learning disabilities and a specific phobia.

The survey should take between 10 and 45 minutes. In the survey you will be asked about support and treatment that was offered to your child for their specific phobia. If your child was NOT offered any treatments or support for their specific phobias, you can still complete the survey, which is part of a larger study about the treatment for specific phobias for children and young people with moderate to severe learning disabilities. The information will help to determine what support and treatments are routinely offered to children and young people with learning disabilities and phobias.

The project is funded by the National Institute for Health Research. If you are interested in taking part in the survey you can click on the link below. http://warwick.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_56xFTPSDdAwSlSe

If you would prefer to do the survey as an interview over the phone or online, please email SPIRIT@warwick.ac.uk

If you would like more information, please contact the study team at SPIRIT@warwick.ac.uk or visit: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/cedar/spirit